Thriving In Singleness

We Count on You

Black Rock Church is home to people from all stages of life, including those who have never been married and those who were married before but are now single due to divorce or death of a spouse.

If this describes your story, we are ready to help you thrive because 25% of adults at Black Rock are not married.

Getting involved beyond a Sunday worship service provides a network of relationships to enrich your walk with Jesus and offers help when you need it. We count on single people to bring their perspective, giftings, and experience to the life of our church.

Ways to Grow

Connect With Others In A Community Group

Community Groups meet in various towns to study the Bible and encourage one another as they apply spiritual truths to everyday life.

Groups intentionally blend older and younger, single and married, newer and more seasoned Jesus-followers into one local space to equip and encourage each other.

Serve On A Team And Make A Difference

Use your gifts and abilities by joining a serving team where you serve God, meet needs inside or outside our church and build friendships with others passionate about making a difference in a similar way.

Resources To Thrive In Singleness

Sign-up to receive event info
and resources for men
Sign-up to receive event info
and resources for women

Divorce Care Group

Separation and divorce are among life’s most painful and stressful experiences. It’s a confusing time when people may feel isolated and have questions about issues they’ve never before faced. DivorceCare meets weekly to help you manage these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.