Women’s Weekend

May 2-4, 2025

Harvey Cedars Bible Conference
Harvey Cedars, NJ

About The Retreat

In Matthew chapter 6, we find possibly the most quoted prayer in the entire Bible. But if you look back just a few verses, Jesus makes a statement more than once, that we often overlook.

 “And when you pray… (in verses 5, 6 and 7)

The assumption here is that we are praying. If that is the case, why do so many believers struggle in their prayer life?

Our speaker for this year’s Women’s Weekend, Cheryl Moses, can remember being asked to pray in public and feeling so intimidated because she felt like she did not pray as well as others. She realized the truth, that prayer is not about her. It is a conversation with the keeper of her heart and the lover of her soul. It doesn’t matter who else is in the room.

Cheryl is going to take us on a deep dive into why we pray and the importance of this practice that Jesus modeled so well. We will look at several passages where the prayers of Jesus are recorded. One of those is her favorite chapter in the Bible, John 17. There we see what motivated Jesus to pray. It was intimacy with his Father. This is where we start. This is why we pray.

Meet Your Retreat Speaker – Cheryl Moses

Cheryl Moses is the Secretary and Ladies’ Ministry Leader at Calvary Community Church, in Houston, Texas. She is a writer, event planner, and creative soul who is “Ebby” (her grandma name) to a few young darlings, and the human mom to one adorably sweet canine named, Beau.

Cheryl began attending Calvary in 1991, and since then her understanding of who Jesus is and how big His love is for his beloved ones, has grown considerably. 

Cheryl has a heart for serving others and ministering to women, and she deeply loves the church. Above all, her passion is to see believers flourish in their walk with the Lord, especially those who believe they have strayed too far to come back home. 

Sample Schedule

*Final schedule available beginning of April

Friday, May 2
Check In (Victorian Hotel) 4:00-6:30 pm
Session 1 7:00-9:00 pm 

Saturday, May 3
Devotion (Prayer Tower) 7:00-7:45 am
Breakfast 8:30-9:15 am
Session 2 9:00-11:45 am
Lunch 12:00 pm
Free Time and Breakouts 1-5:30pm
Dinner 5:30-6:30 pm
Session 3 7:00 pm
Bonfire 9:00-10:00 pm 

Sunday, May 4
Devotion (Chapel) 7:00-7:45 am
Breakfast 8:30-9:15 am
Session 4 9:30-11:30 am
To-go lunch and depart 12:00 pm

Black Rock’s Rooted Women’s Ministry organizes occasional events and yearly retreats to equip and connect women. To receive notifications about upcoming Rooted events, sign up for our Rooted communication group. 

Additional Ways to Connect at Black Rock

Most connection opportunities at Black Rock are for both men and women of all ages and life stages so we can experience the benefit of the wider church community by loving, serving, and learning from those who are not just like us. Opportunities include Community Groups, Bible studies, Topic-based groups, and Serving Teams.

View Group Options and Serving Opportunities

While most groups include men and women, we offer a few just for women. These include Moms of the Rock, Single Moms Support, and select Bible studies or Living Free groups. If you would like help finding women’s only groups, please email groups@blackrock.org