
You Belong Here

Sanctuary (Young Adults)


You Belong Here

Sanctuary (Young Adults)

Join us Sundays at 5:00 PM!

Black Rock’s young adult community (18-35 year olds), also known as “Sanctuary,” is committed to creating an environment where you, no matter where you are in your faith journey, can be transformed by Jesus. 

We gather Sundays at 5:00 PM in the Worship Center for worship and a message until about 6:30 PM. Afterwards, we offer free coffee and tea in our cafe and time for you to hang out with others in the community!

Upcoming Events


Join us for the 2025 Sanctuary Retreat! We are headed to Camp Spofford in New Hampshire for an incredible weekend together. Retreat is the perfect opportunity to set aside time to grow in your faith and friendships. There’ll be sessions, meals together, games, and more.

Everything you need to know is in the registration link below!

Upcoming Events


The Super Bowl is February 9! Join us for our annual Super Bowl After Party. We love to go all out with food for this event and we encourage you to invite your friends. Our regular Sanctuary service will still be happening at 5:00 PM and then we will head into Woodruff to watch the game on the big screen. It’s a fun time regardless of if you’re a football fan, we want you there! FYI: We do play the entire game, so you won’t need to worry about missing the game.


At Sanctuary, we get close! We’re all about growing in Kingdom family and friendships. Our guess is that this is a deep desire of yours as well! Small groups are a great way to keep each other accountable in our faith and to be intentional about community. We’d LOVE for you to join a group! Groups happen in various locations and almost every night of the week.

Check back after Sanctuary on Sunday, February 2 to sign up for a group!


Sanctuary is going to the Dominican Republic on a Missions Trip and you are invited!

Working with Mission of Hope, we will partner with local pastors and leaders and ask, “What does your community need to be transformed?” Our trip will be spent serving alongside these incredible people to meet the needs of their communities. There are a variety of ministry opportunities, including kids programs, community evangelism, and small construction projects. Join us!

Spanish Welcome

Portuguese Welcome

Interested in ongoing communication about how you can be involved in Sanctuary?

Connect Parties


Are you new to the Sanctuary community? We’d love to invite you to our next Connect Party right after service in the Next Steps Room. This is a great opportunity to meet people, hear more about who we are, and how you can get plugged in at Sanctuary. You’ll hear about our Serving Teams, Small Groups, and other fun events. We also will provide dinner.

We’d love for you to RSVP if you plan to come to our next Connect Party (RSVP is not required, but is much appreciated).


IGNITE (18-23 years)

Thursdays from 7:45-9:15 PM
Kickoff: January 23


If you’re 18-23, Ignite is your spot! Whether you’re diving into college, starting a job, taking a gap year, or just figuring things out, we’ve got your back. Join us at Black Rock Church in Woodruff Hall every Thursday night at 7:45 PM. We’re all about growing your relationship with Jesus and making awesome connections with others in the same phase of life. Can’t wait to see you there!


Serving Teams


At Sanctuary, serving is our privilege! We have lots of opportunities for you to serve God on a team at Sanctuary.

Consider joining one of our serving teams today. Email if you have any questions about serving.

Pre-Engagement and Pre-Marriage Prep


Thinking about walking down the aisle? We want to walk with you on your journey towards the altar! If you’re seriously dating and considering engagement or are already engaged, we invite you to join our 8-week  mentorship program. This program will lead you through a process to help you assess your relational strengths as well as areas to work on. We hope to equip you for the adventures of marriage and help you and your significant other evaluate whether now is the time to take your relationship to the next level.

Rolling Enrollment. Please contact Sarah Harwood at to sign up.

Latest from Sanctuary



Sanctuary Core Values

Jesus is Our Everything

(Colossians 1:15-20)

We believe that we were created by Jesus for Jesus. Every one of us. Jesus deserves to be everything to us because he gave everything for us. Anything we are about in our next generation ministries flows from these truths.

Worship is Our Heartbeat

(Colossians 3:16-17)

Thankfulness is the pulse of our worship. We are grateful, not just for what God has done, but for who He is.

Joy is Our Attitude

(Romans 15:5-6, 13)

There is a flow of joy that effects the deepest parts of our beings. Our joy isn’t manufactured, it is a byproduct of our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Hope happens to us, trust happens in us, peace & joy come out of us.

Prayer is Our Lifeline

(Romans 12:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer is our initial response, not our last resort. We believe that prayer is the bridge between our present realities and our future hope; prayer connects the present and future realities of the Kingdom of Heaven, but at its core, it is a conversation with Jesus.

Serving is Our Privilege

(Philippians 2:1-4)

With Jesus as our example, we believe that the way of leadership is the way of service. Serving others and our world is not burdensome, but one of the greatest blessings God has given us as His representatives.

We Stay Humble

(Philippians 2:5-11)

Pride is one of the greatest barriers to growing as a person and growing as a Jesus follower. We stay humble by remaining teachable and becoming unoffendable.

We Get Close

(John 17:21-23)

We were created to be in relationship with God and relationship with others. We get close by staying real, authentic, and honest, along with our more defined core values below.

We Choose Honor

(Proverbs 16:24, James 3:9-12, Proverbs 15:33)

We refuse to speak words that destroy character or reputation because we’re infused with the life-giving words and way of Jesus. Our goal is to go past any dirt to mine for gold in people, and by doing so, protect eternal worth and value like Jesus does.

We Walk in Love

(Ephesians 5:1-2, 3:18-19, 1 John 4:16, 19)

We don’t love others to get love, we love others because we are loved.

We Have Fun

(Luke 15:11-24)

We believe that doing life together is never meant to be endured but enjoyed. We have fun because Jesus did, and heaven is.

Gap Year/Global Intern Program

 If God is calling you to missions, He will prepare you for that work. And that is the whole point of this Gap Year program. It’s the starting point in your journey. It is the response to the prompting of God on your heart that He may be calling you to missions. If you are a missions-minded young adult, ages 18-26, we encourage you to explore this calling!

Want to serve with this ministry?

Use our Serve Finder to see available opportunities and sign up.