I Will Go
Participate in Global outreach through mission trips and projects

Mission Trips With
Black Rock
Black Rock sends teams around the world on mission trips to advance the goals of our Global Partners. Our partners are asking us to come and serve with them. Through these trips, you can serve those in need, and spread Christ’s love to the lost around the world! Will you answer the call from our partners to go and serve this next year?
We offer trips to multiple countries every year. Summer 2025 trips are open.
Level 1 Trips:
Domestic Trips where you don’t need a passport and are perfect for families and individuals wanting to serve on their first Missions Trip.
North Carolina
New York City
Level 2 Trips:
Trips to the Caribbean and Latin America where individuals and families can serve those in need. If you speak Spanish, this a great opportunity for you to serve!
Dominican Republic
Level 3 Trips:
These trips are our most difficult trips with travel across the Atlantic, higher travel costs, and a higher degree of cross-cultural awareness training required.
Here is how Black Rock will help you if you have never been on a Missions Trip with us before:
We will guide you in the fundraising process, help you gather prayer partners, provide cultural awareness training, and remind you of all the travel documentation requirements. And don’t let the cost scare you! Most people are able to raise between 55% to 100% of their trip costs.
Interested in mid-term or long-term Missions?
Why should I apply for a mission trip?
Four great reasons!
- It will change your spiritual life;
- It will help you better understand what God is doing in the world;
- It will help the Black Rock partners we support; and
- It will enable you to provide a useful service to people who need hope and who need to know Christ.
What about getting the money? Does the church pay my way?
No, the church does not pay your way, but we will give you concrete ideas as to how to raise the money. Contributions are made to the church mission trips program and are tax deductible. Financial aid is available for first-time participants.
If I go, will there be training?
Yes, there is a quality training program and a lot of team-building before you depart. The training is required and is at least four sessions.
Can I prepare now to join a team later?
Yes! If you are interested in joining any team in 2022 or beyond, email kjelinek@blackrock.org and we’ll get you started with our prerequisites so you’ll be ready to join a team when the time comes.
Will I need a passport?
Yes, if you are going overseas. They are relatively easy to obtain through your local post office. We will also provide you information and guidance on the correct procedures.
Do I have to fill out an application?
Yes. All team participants must complete an application.
What happens after I submit an application?
You will be interviewed by the trip leader and a member of our mission trips committee. Our desire is to assemble the right people for each trip. You will be promptly notified when you are accepted as a participant.
How do I get other information?
Contact the Missions Department by phone at (203) 255-3401 and speak to Chris Bruno, or via e-mail at cbruno@blackrock.org. Or, you can contact the team leader directly.
What is offered for families?
We love to send families on Missions Trips. Depending on your child’s age, there are different trips you can go on. We highly recommend our Dominican Republic trips which can accommodate families with children of all ages. Please look at each trip and the age requirements for each. We also provide some financial help for families that are going on a trip and might not be able to raise all the support for their overall trip costs. Reach out to your trip leader about the support the church can provide.