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Gary Thomas - April 10, 2022

The Thread of Jesus' Life

The Thread of Jesus\' Life

When we seek God's will, we're usually focused on where we should go; but through the events of His life, Jesus teaches that God's will has more to do with who we should become.  
Let's learn from Jesus what it means to surrender to God's will each moment of our lives.

From Series: "The Thread of Jesus' Life"

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Gary Thomas - April 10, 2022

The Thread of Jesus' Life

The Thread of Jesus\' Life

When we seek God's will, we're usually focused on where we should go; but through the events of His life, Jesus teaches that God's will has more to do with who we should become.  
Let's learn from Jesus what it means to surrender to God's will each moment of our lives.

From Series: "The Thread of Jesus' Life"

More Messages Associated With "Surrender"...

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