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Steve Treash - September 3, 2023

Making your MARC

Jesus empowers each of His followers to make a unique MARC in this world. The “C” in MARC refers to “Calling” while the three preceding letters answer the question, “How do I know what Jesus is calling me to do?” Join us as together we discover how to make a difference by making our MARC!

From Series: "Making your MARC"

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Josh Feay - May 31, 2020

Grieve With Hope

Joseph went though intense crises, but emerged in a better situation than when he started. He came out of his crises better than normal. He was a spoiled, cocky seventeen year old kid sold into slavery who somehow became second in command of Egypt. How can we emerge from our difficult situations better than normal? The first step is to grieve with hope. We need to slow down, remember what we've lost so that God can replace that with something better.

Scripture References: Genesis 37:12-32

From Series: "Better Than Normal"

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