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Stephen Johnson - July 12, 2020

The Ten Virgins

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus assures us that he is returning, his return will be sudden, and we are to be watchful. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to be watchful, what watchfulness isn’t, and how biblical watchfulness impacts the way we live. Jesus is returning. The time may be unknown, but what is known is what we can do while we wait. Reflect on the priorities, activities, thoughts, and beliefs that distract you from the eternal implications of your daily life. Ask God to remove anything that holds you back from giving all of who you are to Jesus. Act upon what he shows you in the Bible, in Christian community, and in prayer.

Scripture References: Matthew 25:1-13

From Series: "Moral of the Story"

More Messages Associated With "Jesus"...

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Stephen Johnson - July 12, 2020

The Ten Virgins

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus assures us that he is returning, his return will be sudden, and we are to be watchful. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to be watchful, what watchfulness isn’t, and how biblical watchfulness impacts the way we live. Jesus is returning. The time may be unknown, but what is known is what we can do while we wait. Reflect on the priorities, activities, thoughts, and beliefs that distract you from the eternal implications of your daily life. Ask God to remove anything that holds you back from giving all of who you are to Jesus. Act upon what he shows you in the Bible, in Christian community, and in prayer.

Scripture References: Matthew 25:1-13

From Series: "Moral of the Story"

More Messages Associated With "Jesus"...

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