Imagine if you had cash in the bank for emergencies, lived a debt-free lifestyle, and became outrageously generous. It’ll take some work to get there, but we believe you can! Start your path to financial freedom and begin to live and give the way you’ve dreamed about.
Now more than ever, we realize how important it is to have our finances in order and understand what it means to have a financial plan that is based upon sound Biblical principles.
That’s why Black Rock has invested in a program called Ramsey+. Together, we’ll learn what it means to be good stewards of all God has given us.
The program is absolutely free for our church family and it is our gift to you because we firmly believe that having financial peace and living a lifestyle of generosity is possible even during uncertain times like these. Follow these simple steps to take your first step towards Financial Freedom!
Step 1
Step 2
Financial Peace University
Next class: Spring 2025

Financial Peace University
Whether you want to get out of debt, learn how to budget, or unleash your finances’ potential to serve others, FPU will give you valuable strategies to help you make the most of your every dollar!
At Financial Peace University, you will learn how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. The money-management lessons will be a challenge and motivate you to make a plan for your money to change the lives of your family for generations to come. Anyone who desires to achieve financial peace is welcome!
It’s never too early or too late to create a budget, get out of debt, or make a financial plan, so there’s a place for everyone at Financial Peace University. FPU is a nine-session course facilitated by some great trainers, featuring video instruction from Dave Ramsey. Dave, a world-renowned expert in money management and debt elimination, created FPU after he and his wife got out of debt and took control of their finances so that other people could experience the financial freedom he did! Dave’s strategy has worked for more than a million families, and it will work for you too! Don’t wait – sign up today!
During the FPU classes over the last 8 years, our church family has paid off $1,000,000 in non-mortgage debt, and saved $500,000 through Financial Peace University! These tools are designed to help you build a budget, dump debt, grow your wealth, and leave money stress behind. Each lesson is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. Login to your Ramsey+ account and keep track of your progress!

Debt Snowball Tool
Eliminate your debt once and for all.

Start A Budget Today
Use the app on your phone to track your spending and start to save.

Mortgage Calculator
Plan your mortgage payment strategy.

Retirement Savings Planner
How much will you need to live the retirement life you want?