Global Missions
Find Your Mission Trip
2025 Summer Trips Include:
North Carolina
New York City
Dominican Republic
Missions Week is March 22-30, 2025
More information coming soon!
Reaching the two billion people who have never heard the gospel.
Since 1933, Black Rock has been sending Global Partners around the world in response to the Great Commission of Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. Our more than 50 partner families and organizations serve in 27 countries, including 11 “creative access” countries, where there is limited freedom of religion, and Christians face the risk of persecution for their faith.
How can you get involved in Global Missions?
We believe that everyone has a part to play to complete our mission, based on Matthew 28:19, to “Go and make disciples.” We understand this as Jesus’ command to us, and you can get involved by praying, giving, or even going on a mission trip. It’s all part of our Missions Commitment, and we invite everyone in the church to participate.
You can participate through our Missions Commitment which is made up of three parts:
Become a Prayer Partner for our
Global Partners
Submit a financial pledge and give to fulfill that pledge
Apply to go on a mission trip. Check out our upcoming trips
Global Missions Blog
On our Missions In Action blog, you’ll find monthly updates, weekly posts that include news from the field, inspiring stories, and ways to get involved. See the new post!
Featured Partners
This year, we chose to spotlight these Global Partners through videos and other updates. Enjoy getting to know them as you connect more deeply with their outreach.
Erin Duerr
With her degree in horticulture, Erin serves City Ministries in Nigeria to establish farms at their teenage girl and boy centers. She wants to teach arid farming practices to north-bound national missionaries so they can have a stable food source. Erin also enjoys teaching Bible-based farming techniques, aiming to instill the kids with pride in their work by emphasizing the importance of farming. Special Saturdays with the girls involve lessons, hiking, and games to foster connection.
Since Erin arrived in April 2023, the farm has made progress, successfully producing rice and tomatoes. They also acquired a medium-sized ride-behind tractor. Future goals for enhancing overall farm operations include improving the watering process and setting up a research farm.
Read Erin’s latest updates
Dan Scribner
Dan leads the Joshua Project, a missions research and mobilization initiative aimed at furthering Great Commission work by spotlighting unreached people groups around the world. Because data for ministry purposes is most valuable when it turns into action, Joshua Project’s core vision involves gathering, integrating, and distributing strategic information about unreached peoples to help organizations catalyze prayer, outreach, and church-planting for Kingdom advancement.
Samaritan’s Purse uses Joshua Project data as a benchmark for their goal of reaching 1,000 unreached people by 2028. In 2024, the Joshua Project’s focus will be organizational expansion as Chris Clayman (founder of Global Gates) joins their staff.
Read Dan’s latest update
Mission India
Mission India’s vision is to see India transformed by the love of Christ. A cooperative effort between USA staff and partner ministries in India is carried out by local Christians who know the language, customs, and dangers in their region. Their three core ministries include year-long Children’s Bible Clubs, Church Planting Training, and Adult Literacy Classes.
During a recent visit to a Children’s Bible Club in north India nine-year-old Garu, aspiring to be a pastor, shared how the club taught him to love those who mistreated him due to his Christian faith. On the day of the visit, 10 boys attended the club because Garu chose to befriend and invite them. With a history of one in three children coming to faith in Christ through these Bible clubs, there’s hope that at least some of them may find eternal life in Jesus.
Read their latest updates
Kevin and Cami Zwart
The Zwarts serve with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) as country directors for Namibia and Angola. They encourage the mobilization of local mission efforts by networking with indigenous churches. As Editor-in-Chief for AfriGO magazine in English, Swahili, and Portuguese, Cami oversees African staff all over the continent. AfriGO serves to encourage the African church to send, support, and pray for African missionaries.
A short-term team from Black Rock is heading to Namibia this summer to encourage and support the Zwarts, see their ministry firsthand, and minister to local believers and non-believers alike. As a special highlight, one day will be dedicated to a safari in Etosha National Park to revel in the beauty of God’s creation.
Read their latest update