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CloseStephen Johnson - November 29, 2020
The Glorious Exchange

Baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality; when we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, we exchange our sin for his righteousness. If we live as the rulers of our own lives, we walk a broad path towards wrath. When we surrender our seat on the throne to the Lord, we receive his love, peace, mercy, and grace and Jesus pays the debt our sin creates -- that is worthy of celebration! Take time in prayer and reflection to analyze who sits on the throne of your heart. If you've never surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Savior, today is the day! If you're still struggling with trusting God, confess that to the Lord and watch him work! If you are walking with Jesus, go to the Lord in prayer and ask him to reveal where you may be tempted to climb back on the throne you surrendered. 1. Have you fully surrendered the throne of your heart to Jesus? 2. If not, what is preventing you from surrendering the throne? Consider talking that over with a trusted Christian friend. 3. In what areas of your life are tempted to climb back on the throne?
Scripture References: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
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