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Groups Spotlight
Christianity Explored
Who is Jesus? What did he achieve? How should we respond? Discover foundational beliefs of Christianity through God’s story told in the Bible. This conversational setting gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.
“Family-friendly” child care is provided through our Sunday Kids’ church programs.
Discipleship Explored: A Study in Philippians
Disciple means follower or learner. A disciple isn’t a super-Christian, in fact, Jesus assumes all his followers are disciples. Build upon your foundation of trust in who Jesus is and what He did for you through His life, death, and resurrection during this 8-session study in the book of Philippians. Join others to discover how to live with wholehearted confidence in Christ as we become more like Him.
“Family-friendly” child care is provided through our Sunday Kids’ church programs.
Storyline of the Bible
The Bible consists of sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years. How can you begin to understand it as a whole? This group will help you see how to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as one unified story of God’s plan to save the world through Jesus.
“Family-friendly” child care is provided through our Sunday Kids’ church programs.
Types of Groups
Community Groups meet regularly throughout the year in various towns across the area to study the Bible and encourage one another as they seek to apply spiritual truths to everyday life.
Living Free Groups (Support) provide a safe place to find healing, hope, and support for various life challenges including grief, divorce, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. For confidential guidance about joining a Living Free group, contact
Topic-based Groups meet for a set number of weeks and focus on specific areas of study. Options range from groups for those building their faith foundation to those eager to take a deeper dive in a focus area such as Bible study skills, theology, or leadership development.
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Our senior adult community (55 years & older) meets for luncheons on the 1st Friday of each month (Sept-June). The SOR focus is on building supportive relationships that help seniors grow as Christ-followers. SOR also hosts special activities and Bible studies throughout the year.
This study of the book of Acts will help participants see connections to the Old Testament, the life and ministry of Jesus, and what is to come in the new creation. Join us and experience the promise of the book of Acts.
*The first half of Acts will be covered this fall, and the second half during the winter/spring term.