Connect in a Group


God designed us to live in intentional community.

  • Gather regularly to build life-giving relationships with other Christ followers
  • Equip yourself and others through studying Scripture together 
  • Mobilize to put into action love for each other and the world

Types of Groups

Community Groups meet regularly throughout the year in various towns across the area to study the Bible and encourage one another as they seek to apply spiritual truths to everyday life.

Living Free Groups (Support) provide a safe place to find healing, hope, and support for various life challenges including grief, divorce, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. For confidential guidance about joining a Living Free group, contact

Topic-based Groups meet for a set number of weeks and focus on specific areas of study. Options range from groups for those building their faith foundation to those eager to take a deeper dive in a focus area such as Bible study skills, theology, or leadership development. 

Group Finder


Use the filters to narrow the options by checking and unchecking boxes. We recommend doing this on a desktop computer versus a mobile phone.


View the narrowed group list that matches your selections. You can always uncheck boxes to try a different search.


Click the yellow sign-up button to sign up!

Note: Family-friendly indicates childcare may be an option and/or children are welcome to attend.

Type of Group

Best Options For


Day of the Week

Time of Day


-FEATURED- Christianity Explored

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Family-friendly: Yes
Group Duration: April 27 - June 8
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Who is Jesus? What did he achieve? How should we respond? Discover foundational beliefs of Christianity through God’s story told in the Bible. This conversational setting gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.

*’Family-friendly”: child care provided through our Sunday Kids’ church programs.

Anxious For Nothing (Women) - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Wednesday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 29 - Apr. 4
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This group focuses on helping women who are struggling with the debilitating effects of anxiety and depression. The goal is to facilitate growth and trust in God’s restoring power as the ultimate source of freedom. Participants complete a weekly study as they meet for discussion, prayer and sharing in a safe, supportive environment. As group members grow and heal, they can, in turn, strengthen others who are facing the same challenges.

Bi-Lingual Community Group (English/Spanish)

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Community
Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

If you are comfortable speaking English, Spanish, or both, we welcome you to join this Community Group meeting at Black Rock Church. This fall, our topic will be around gathering as a community of Christ-followers. Please fill out our sign up form to let us know you are interested in connecting or learning more about this group.

Breaking Free From Anger (Men) - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 16 - Apr. 10
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

A group for men who are seeking a better life by living out their God-given roles in the family, with friends, and at work. This group also deals with the challenges of anger, anxiety, depression, and other issues. By viewing DVDs and engaging in open, truthful discussions in a safe environment, group members will discover tools to help them courageously live out their calling as godly men.

Community Group - Bailey

Location: Online
Day of Week: Monday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets online weekly with occasional in-person gatherings in the Norwalk area. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Barker

Location: Fairfield
Day of Week: Monday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly in Fairfield and is located near Round Hill Rd and West Languth Rd.

Click the sign up button for the group leader’s bio or to sign up.


Community Group - Campbell

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Wednesday
Group Type: Community
Family-friendly: Yes
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly at Black Rock. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

*Family-friendly: childcare is available for kids in grades 1 – 8 via our Wednesday night kids/student programs.

Community Group - Cross

Location: Online
Day of Week: Tuesday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This Trumbull-based group for men and women meets weekly on Zoom. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Hoopes

Location: Milford/Orange
Day of Week: Monday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly, located in Milford near Sandpiper Crest & Merwin Ave. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - House

Location: Bridgeport/Stratford
Day of Week: Wednesday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly in Stratford, near the intersection of Long Brook Ave and Poplar Street. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Passarelle

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly at Black Rock Church to connect and study the Bible together. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Pastir

Location: Milford/Orange
Day of Week: Monday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This new Community group for men and women meets weekly in Milford near the intersection of Bryan Hill Road and Midwood Road.

Click the sign up button to learn more about the group leaders or express interest in joining this group.


Community Group - Quintero

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Friday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly at Black Rock Church. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Ricketts

Location: Redding/Bethel
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly in Redding, near the intersection of Seventy Hill Road and Indian Hill Road. Click the sign up button for a group leader bio or to sign up.

Community Group - Schirmann

Location: Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly on Stillson Rd. in Fairfield. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group - Tabora

Location: Bridgeport/Stratford, Trumbull
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM

This new community group for men and women meets weekly in Bridgeport near the Trumbull line.

Click the sign up button to learn more about the leaders or express interest in this group.

Community Group - Thorne

Location: Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 PM

This group for men and women meets weekly in Fairfield and is located near Old Academy and Mine Hill Rd. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

Community Group (Women) - Linevitch

Location: Bridgeport/Stratford, Online
Day of Week: Wednesday
Group Type: Community
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This Bridgeport-based group for women currently meets online via Zoom. Click the sign up button to be connected with the group leader.

DivorceCare - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 16 - April 10
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Separation and divorce are among life’s most painful and stressful experiences. It’s a confusing time when people may feel isolated and have questions about issues they’ve never before faced. DivorceCare meets weekly to help you manage these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. A video seminar featuring interviews, real life case studies and other helpful tools is followed by group discussion with time to share about what’s going on in your personal journey as you receive support from the group.

Faith & Fellowship - Adult Bible Study

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

A Sunday morning topical Bible study and discussion paired with conversation and prayer. This group is geared toward Seniors (55+). Signing up is not required for this group, but you can let us know you’re interested by clicking the button below.

Financial Peace University (FPU)

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Family-friendly: Yes
Group Duration: April 27 - June 22
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Using materials from Ramsey Plus (free to Black Rock attenders), this study aims to help participants create a budget, get out of debt, and make a financial plan, so they can be better stewards of resources God has entrusted to them.

‘Family-friendly’: care and learning spaces for children through Kids Ministry Sunday School program.

Grieving With Hope DAY - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 16 - Apr. 10
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

If you’ve suffered the passing of a family member or friend, it may be difficult to feel optimistic about the future. This can be a frustrating, lonely time as you face concerns for which there are no easy answers. Using the GriefShare program, Grieving with Hope will help you work through these issues and move toward rebuilding hope. Videos featuring interviews with grief and recovery specialists, real life case studies and other helpful tools are followed by group discussion with time to share about what’s going on in your personal journey as you receive support from the group. Help is available for those dealing with grief and trauma during the pandemic.

Grieving With Hope NIGHT - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 16 - Apr. 10
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

If you’ve suffered the passing of a family member or friend, it may be difficult to feel optimistic about the future. This can be a frustrating, lonely time as you face concerns for which there are no easy answers. Using the GriefShare program, Grieving with Hope will help you work through these issues and move toward rebuilding hope. Videos featuring interviews with grief and recovery specialists, real life case studies and other helpful tools are followed by group discussion with time to share about what’s going on in your personal journey as you receive support from the group.

Kairos - Adult Bible Study

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Family-friendly: Yes
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

A Sunday morning topical Bible study and discussion. Signing up is not required for this group, but you can let us know you’re interested by clicking the button below. ‘Family-friendly’: care and learning spaces for children through Kids Ministry Sunday School program.

LIVING ISAIAH 61 (MEN) - Living Free Support (ONLINE)

Location: Online
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Starting January 2025
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

In Isaiah 61, we’re told that God’s mission is to release captives, bring light to the darkness, and replace ashes for beauty. His desire is to take us from shame into blessing. Living Isaiah 61 is a safe, supportive, and shame-free community for men that is dedicated to restoring wholeness from our sexual brokenness. Join us as we experience transformation from this painful struggle into the life of freedom God desires for all of us.

Men of the Rock

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Saturday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Group Duration: Sept. - May
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

This group provides Christ-centered fellowship and discussion over presented topics. This fall, the focus will be on understanding and leveraging your God-given attributes in ways that bring significance to how you follow Jesus in everyday life. Gatherings are held two Saturdays per month during each ministry term (Sept. – May). All men over the age of 18 are welcome to attend. Sign up if you’d like to receive communication about upcoming events.

Moms of the Rock

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Community, Topic-Based
Family-friendly: Yes
Group Duration: Sept. 12 - May 22
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Moms of the Rock gathers twice a month (2nd and 4th Thursday mornings, Sept 12 – May 22) to help moms of young children thrive personally and equip them to raise their children to follow Jesus. There are many ways to get involved at Moms of the Rock, even for those who don’t have young children. If you are interested in learning more, email Ashley – .

*Moms of the Rock has a yearly registration fee to help cover the cost of childcare, food, and other activities. See sign up link for details.

Sanctuary - Young Adults

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Black Rock’s Sanctuary Service is geared toward our young adult community. Find out more about Sanctuary’s Sunday evening service and small group opportunities at If you’d like to contact a Sanctuary leader, click the sign up button below.

Seniors of the Rock

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Friday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Group Duration: Sept.- June
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Our senior adult community (55 years & older) meets for luncheons on the 1st Friday of each month (Sept-June). The SOR focus is on building supportive relationships that help seniors grow as Christ-followers. SOR also hosts special activities and Bible studies throughout the year.

Steps to Freedom (for Families) - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Feb. 6 - Apr. 24
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Steps to Freedom for Families aims to support families impacted by the addiction of loved ones. This group will help participants look at the nature of addiction and recovery from a Christ-centered perspective. Learn how to love the addict, while establishing an environment that will not support the addiction. Receive encouragement to live in the empowerment of God’s method of redemption that seeks to reconcile.

Steps to Freedom (Men) - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church
Day of Week: Wednesday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: Jan. 15 - Apr. 9
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Using the proven Higher Ground approach, this group provides Christ-centered recovery and relational support to men who are seeking freedom from the life challenging issues of alcohol, or other chemical dependencies. Recovery is based on surrender to our Higher Power, Jesus Christ. In a confidential, safe setting, participants are freed to share struggles and breakthroughs as they build healthy relationships with God, themselves and others.

*This group meets at the Black Rock Easton Campus


Steps to Freedom (Women) - Living Free Support

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Thursday
Group Type: Living Free (Support)
Group Duration: TBD
Time: TBD

Using the proven Higher Ground approach, this group provides Christ-centered recovery and relational support to women who are seeking freedom from the life challenging issues of alcohol, or other chemical dependencies. Recovery is based on surrender to our Higher Power, Jesus Christ. In a confidential, safe setting, participants are freed to share struggles and breakthroughs as they build healthy relationships with God, themselves and others.

*This group is NOT currently meeting. Fill out the interest form to be connected to the leader or express interest in a future opportunity.*

Storyline of the Bible

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Sunday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Family-friendly: Yes
Group Duration: April 27 - June 15
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

The Bible consists of sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years. How can you begin to understand it as a whole? This group will help you see how to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as one unified story of God’s plan to save the world through Jesus.

*’Family-friendly”: child care provided through our Sunday Kids’ church programs.

Tapestry Singles Prayer Meeting

Location: Black Rock Church, Fairfield
Day of Week: Saturday
Group Type: Topic-Based
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Tapestry Prayer Meeting is a safe space to develop Jesus-centered relationships and provide support through prayer for those who are unmarried, separated, divorced, or widowed. Sign up if you’re interested in joining and would like to be emailed about future events.

Need help finding a group?



Adult Discipleship Associate Director