Parent/Child Dedication
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Parent/Child Dedication, also known as Baby Dedication or BabyD, is more than an event. It is an opportunity for you to take some time at the beginning of your journey as a parent to really think about what will matter the most in the life of your child; to really talk together and decide what you value and what you can do today that will have the greatest impact on your child’s future. And we want to partner with you in this endeavor.
The most important thing you could do for your child is to introduce them to Jesus and teach them to love the Lord. Parent/Child Dedication is a service where you publicly commit to raising your child in a Christian home and guiding your child towards a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, while asking your family and friends to partner with you in this journey!
The first step in the process is to sign up your family by clicking on the link below and completing the online form. After submitting the form, we will let you know of the next available Parent/Child Dedication date and a packet will be mailed to you closer to that date. This packet will include the homework, information on how to write a special dedication letter to your child, and Black Rock Christ-Followers Lifestyle Agreement.
Listen to the three parenting talks at the buttons below and complete the homework found in the Dedication packet that was mailed to you. We would like for you and your spouse to listen to each talk together, talk about it together, and complete the homework together before attending Parent Orientation.
Once you have completed STEP 2, you will attend a one-hour orientation on an upcoming Sunday morning. We will talk about the homework assignment and walk you through the information you need for our Parent/Child Dedication Service. We require that both parents attend the Parent Orientation Class and the Parent/Child Dedication Service.
*You must complete STEPS 1-3 before your participation in the Parent/Child Dedication Service is confirmed.
The GRAND FINALE! Actually, it’s really just the beginning. Once you have completed STEPS 1-3, we would love for you and your family to participate in the Dedication Service.
Parent/Child Dedication is about a commitment to put God first in your home and to trust in Him as your source of direction as you lead your family and parent your child. It is also a time for you and your spouse to share with your closest friends and family what is most important to you and to ask them for their prayer and support. Our desire is that you will surround yourself with family and friends who will pray for you, support you, give you good advice, listen to your struggles, and when life gets tough, help you remember what matters most. We also hope that you will partner with us every Sunday by encouraging your child to fully participate with us as we create environments to lead him or her into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Parenting Talk #1

Parenting Talk #2

Parenting Talk #3
Register Early
Space is limited and each event fills up quickly. The event is offered three times per year. It is very likely that the next available opening could be four months from the time that you sign up. We encourage you to sign up early.
- You must complete Step 1 and Step 2 before your Parent/Child Dedication participation registration is confirmed.
- Your child should be 2 years old or under at the time of dedication.
- You must have attended Black Rock Church for at least six months.
- You must attend the required parent orientation meeting.
- You must sign and return the Black Rock Christ-Followers Lifestyle Agreement mailed in your Dedication packet.
Is this the same as baptism?
Dedication differs from baptism in that baptism is a conscious act of obedience on the part of the one being baptized to declare his or her faith in Christ, while in Parent/Child Dedication you are making the decision on behalf of your child. After a child is dedicated, we hope that he or she comes to accept Christ as Savior and eventually evidence that relationship through baptism.
When is Parent/Child Dedication?
There are usually three dedication services which are conducted during the 11:30 AM worship service on selected Sundays during the year. Please complete the registration form and we will let you know the next available date for Parent/Child Dedication.
What time is Parent/Child Dedication?
It is held during the 11:30 AM service. Please be in the Worship Service by 11:15 AM to meet with Pastor Steve and receive last minute instructions.
What should we wear?
Whatever you and your little one will feel most comfortable in. Some people dress casually in jeans, while others wear something dressier.
Where do we sit?
You and the child being dedicated sit in reserved sets. All other guests may sit where they like.
What happens during the actual service?
Only you and your child go on to the stage at the appropriate time. The pastor will share a collective charge for the parents and the congregation with a commitment to raising their children in the Lord. Following the dedication service, all children are to be taken to the Nursery or age appropriate Sunday School class. You may also continue worshipping in the Family Worship Room.
Can we take pictures?
Yes, you can! We also try to have a professional photographer present during the service, if possible.
What if I do not meet the above requirements?
We encourage you to take steps to be aligned with God’s word and welcome you to participate in the next dedication service if you’re able. If you have questions about what it looks like to put your faith in Jesus or any of the Biblical standards listed above we’d love to talk with you further. Please contact the church office at 203 255 3401.