Black Rock Church’s Executive Staff Transition

Important Dates:


Sunday, September 8th – Q&A with Pastor Josh Feay @ 11:00 AM – Gathering Room

All Church Worship & Prayer Meetings

  • Wednesday, September 11, 7:00 – 8:30 PM


Congregational Meeting – October 2 @ 7:00 PM
Vote on calling Pastor Josh as Senior Pastor and Kevin Butterfield as Executive Pastor

Senior Pastor Steve Treash

After 40 wonderful years serving at Black Rock Church, Pastor Steve is moving into a new and exciting next chapter of ministry. Through God’s leading in prayer, he determined that 2024 will be his final year at Black Rock. Click below to view his letter and video announcement.

Pastor Josh Feay: Elder Recommended Candidate for Senior Pastor

The Elders are recommending Pastor Josh Feay as candidate for Senior Pastor at Black Rock Church. Pastor Josh has served God at Black Rock Church for 21 years. He loves helping people find the joy of salvation in Jesus Christ then live meaningful lives wholeheartedly following God. Click below to view an info sheet, watch a biographical video, and sermons:

Want to watch sermons by Pastor Josh, check these out:

Pastor Kevin Butterfield: Elder Recommended Candidate for Executive Pastor

Kevin Butterfield grew up in Trumbull, Connecticut, and gave His life to Jesus at the age of 15 at a Fall youth retreat. He soon after felt a call to ministry and began serving in various volunteer roles in High School and throughout College.  Kevin and Kerrie Butterfield came to Black Rock Church originally in 1998 after serving in Cleveland, Ohio in the  Youth Ministry of Parkside Church for 4 years. Whilst at Black Rock, Kevin Started Club JV (now Thrive), Fusion, and Sanctuary as he served here for 9 years. In 2007 the Butterfields went to Australia where for 8 years Kevin served as lead pastor of a church in suburban Melbourne. Upon returning to America in 2015 Kevin served as Acting Lead Pastor for 5 years at a church in the Hartford area. In 2020 the Butterfields returned to Black Rock Church where Kevin has served as Pastor of Students and Young Adults for the last 4 years.

Watch the April 28th Sermon About Pastor Steve’s Transition

Watch the May 5th Sermon About Future of Black Rock

Next Steps for Black Rock

Black Rock Church is entering a time of prayer and discernment through the summer with the intention to have a congregational meeting and vote to approve this transition of Executive Staff on October 2, 2024.

Congregational Vote

Only Members may vote at the congregational meeting. Membership at Black Rock is a multi-step process that starts with being involved in a group or serving, followed by a membership class and Elder Interview.
To learn how to become a member at Black Rock Church, go to our membership page.

Elders Available For Questions About Transition

This will be the first time there’s been a leadership transition of Black Rock’s Senior Pastor since Pastor Steve succeeded Pastor Stan Allaby in 1996. As a result, the congregation will undoubtedly have questions in regard to process; and why Pastor Steve and the Elder Board (after months of prayer in seeking God’s will) approved Pastor Josh Feay to be presented to the congregation as the 10th senior Pastor in Black Rock Church’s 175 year history. In keeping with Black Rock’s constitution, the Elder Board will be asking everyone who is an official member of Black Rock church to vote on Pastor Josh being BRC’s next Senior Pastor. There will be a special Congregational meeting for the vote taking place in October. Before that October meeting, we want there to be total transparency about the Elder Board’s decision, to present Pastor Josh to you. Thus, the Elder Board wants to have the opportunity to hear what’s on your hearts and answer whatever questions you have.

To email the Elders a question, please email them at and they will respond to you in 2-3 days.