Serve on a Team


Serve at one service & attend another.

• Employ your passions and skills in serving God at Black Rock
• Follow Jesus’ example of meeting needs wherever you go
• Develop as a leader who empowers others to serve Jesus with joy and confidence

Team Finder

Please use the filters to find a serving opportunity that is right for you.

Ministry Type

Day of Week

Time of Day

Camera Operator
Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Morning
Time: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM

In this new age of more online viewership, Camera Operators play an important role in helping people watching online experience the service in a way that will connect them to God. No experience necessary!

Light Board Operator
Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Morning
Time: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM

The Light Board Operator will be responsible for changing the light cues between service elements, including during the worship sets, announcements, the sermon and videos.

Light Board Programmer
Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Sunday, Wednesday
Time of Day: Morning, Evening
Time: Wednesday, 7:00-9:00 PM, Sunday, 8:00 AM-12:30 PM

The Light Board Programmer is responsible for designing and programming the light cues for the services. The lighting design each week enhances the worship experience for those worshiping in the Worship Center and online.

ProPres/Projection Operator
Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Sunday, Wednesday
Time of Day: Morning, Evening
Time: Wednesday, 7:00-9:00 PM, Sunday, 8:00 AM-12:30 PM

The ProPres/Projection Operator is responsible for all content that is sent to the large screen at the front of the Worship Center which provides information to the congregation about programs happening at BRC and helps those attending services to worship God through song and sermon application.

Stage Design
Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Time of Day: Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Time: Flexible Times
Requirements: Previous experience Professional experience

Help create new sets for sermon series and programs using props, lights and light construction. Experience in painting, graphic design and construction preferred.

Ministry: Production/Tech
Day of Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Morning
Time: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM

The Switcher is charged with producing the online livestream to Facebook, YouTube and BRC’s website. The stream includes switching between cameras during all elements of the service and switching between cameras and ProPresenter slides during the service. This role helps all of those who are unable to attend the service in person to worship God through our online platforms.

Tech Crew
Ministry: Production/Tech, I'm Not Sure Where to Serve
Day of Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Morning
Time: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM

Be a part of the team who produces our services! Our tech crew members serve in different areas of production including cameras, projection, sound and lights. Training provided.

Don’t know what team to join?

If you’re having trouble deciding where to serve or have questions about our teams, let us help you! Fill out
this form
to connect with a Serving Coach.

Step Into Leadership

Many times our ceiling for new opportunities comes from a great harvest, but the leaders are few. Take a moment to see if there is a next step in your leadership through our training, survey, or current leadership positions that you might be able to fill.

Community Engagement

If you are looking for opportunities to serve locally in our community, click the button below.