Paul Huebner - November 21, 2021
Proclaiming New Life

Scripture References: Matthew 28:18-20
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CloseBaptism is a symbol of God’s salvation brought about through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By publicly proclaiming their declaration of faith, a Believer is making an outward proclamation to the world that they have decided to inwardly step from death into the new life that Jesus has to offer. As the Church, it is our responsibility to share in the joy of the new believer and encourage them to walk in the fullness of the new life they are stepping into.
Scripture References: Matthew 28:18-20
From Series: Baptism Sunday - Proclaiming New Life | More Messages from Paul Huebner | Download Audio
Sunday Service Times
8:30 AM | Traditional
10:00 & 11:30 AM | Contemporary
5:00 PM | Young Adults (Sanctuary)
3685 Black Rock Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06825